0407 728 836 gmscatering@me.com

Super Clean Tank

Super Clean Tank – In dirty Out clean!

IMG_1372  IMG_1373

The Super Clean Tank is designed to reduce labour costs and save money on chemical costs, replacement parts and save on water.

It far surpasses conventional cleaning methods and eliminates the use of caustic, resulting in a safer, more hygienic working environment.

It operates 24/7 with a service cycle of about 4 weeks.

It will not damage the item being cleaned

It can clean range hoods and extraction filters there by reducing the risk of fire.

It features the most user friendly tank with all safety issues bring taken care of in line with OH&S requirements.

The detergents are biodegradable, non-toxic non corrosive and environmentally friendly.

It is safe and easy to use.

It keeps kitchen equipment and utensils in excellent condition and thus provides a longer life span.

It can be used to clean grills, stove tops, gas cooking ranges, gastronomic trays as we all pots and pans.

It eliminates the need for scrubbing, thus allowing staff to concentrate on other tasks in the kitchen.

It cleans all stainless steel, cast iron and aluminium equipment.

Once per month a representative will come and clean out the tank and refill it ready for use – so there is no need to clean the tank yourself.

There are various tank sizes to meet the requirements of all establishments;

  1. Small tank – $55.00 per week ($220.00 per month + GST)
  2. Medium tank – $62.50 per week ($250.00 per month + GST)
  3. Large tank – $72.50 per week ($290.00 per month + GST)

Please contact Gavin Hutchinson (SA Representative) for more information on 0407 728 836 or visit www.chemserve.com.au